How I got rid of my gallbladder stones?

Silvia Doomra
4 min readDec 12, 2022


After having gallbladder stones identified for more than a year, I am finally free of gallbladder stones. It was a painful journey to the extent that I was even scared of eating anything, as if it will cause the stones to start hurting. This post is about the things I did and routines I followed in the last 2 months to get rid of the gallstones completely.

But before I jump into explaining the process, will it work for everyone? Maybe, I don’t know! Depends on many factors, how big your stones are, how rigorously you follow the routine and in the first place, what caused these stones in your body. The only thing I can say is, it is worth the try, it’s better than living with the pain and some day getting your gall bladder removed.

If following this routine improves your situation to any extent, then follow it a little bit more, and then a little bit more until you get rid of the stones completely.

So without wasting time, let’s dive into the things I did:

  1. Fresh Apple and Lemon Juice every morning: Drink 1 quart (approx. 0.95 liters) of fresh apple juice, with 3–4 lemons juice mixed every morning. I did it for 2 months. You can do it for as long as you have gall stones. Don’t get packed juice from market, make it fresh every morning. Yes, it sounds a lot of apple juice to drink and too much work to do in the morning with tones of things each one has to do to get our day started. But isn’t it worth it if you can be free from gall stones all together and start living your life normally? The science behind this is, gall stones are typically formed in an acidic body, and we should have a healthy acidic-alkaline balance in our body. A healthy acidic-alkaline food ratio has many benefits, such as reduced blood sugar, healthy weight and cholesterol levels. Apple Juice and Lemons are particularly good for dissolving gall stones.
  1. Triphala: Eat about 2–3 capsules of Triphala every night. Many people have triphala in the form of a powder, you can do that as well. I didn’t have access to the powder form Triphala, so I stayed with the capsule form. It is easily available at Amazon and most online stores.
  2. Early Dinner: Have dinner by 5:30 PM and no snacking post that. Also, it is best to reduce snacking between the meals. Follow 16-hour fasting rule. For some it maybe hard to adopt right away, as they may start feeling hungry. For me, it wasn’t a big change as I used to have dinner at 7:30 so it was just 2 hours. Plus, I was tired of pain attacks and was so scared of eating anything that I preferred this over eating. It doesn’t need to be as drastic for you! Start by having dinner one hour early for 2–3 days and then by another hour. Trust me, if you are committed to the process, your body adjusts very fast.
  3. Early to bed: Your body needs proper rest, and as much as you think that you are a night owl, our body functions best when we sleep early and wake up early. By sleeping late and waking up late, we don’t even know what hormonal turmoil we are causing in our body. The goal should be to sleep by 10 pm. So practice leaving your phone by the bed side and switching off TV by 9:30 so that your body gets into the sleep mode soon after.

And that’s it! That’s all I did and I am all healthy now.

Bonus: I had the problem for migraine for about a decade and it was so bad that once I started having headache it would last for 2–3 days at a stretch. Somehow with this diet, my body has magically healed and I haven’t had any migraine problems as well since then.

You may still ask, will it work for me? I really don’t know, but I hope it does as miraculously as it has for me! Give it a try and leave in the comments below if it improved your health.

Originally published at



Silvia Doomra

A Geek & Techie. Works at Meta. Ex-Microsoft, Ex-AWS. Follow me at